Shining a Light on Outstanding Care in Kent

Kent Care Awards sponsors play a vital role in the annual event that celebrates and rewards the exceptional individuals and organisations who make social care across Kent truly remarkable. The success of the event is made possible through the generous support of the event’s sponsors, whose contributions help shine a light on the achievements of Kent's social care community. This year’s generous sponsors are:

UB Healthcare
Citation Christie & Co
Complete Care Recruitment
Primcura Healthcare
Championing Social Care
CWC Kent Care professionals
Lester Aldridge
RWK Goodman.

The Kent Integrated Care Alliance would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to this year’s sponsors. "We are incredibly grateful to our sponsors for their unwavering support," said Ann Taylor Chair of the Kent Integrated Care Alliance. "Their generosity allows us to continue recognising the extraordinary work happening in the care sector. Together, we’re shining a light on the heroes of social care." The Kent Care Awards are a testament to the importance of community collaboration in recognising and appreciating the value of care work. By supporting this event, the sponsors have helped raise the profile of social care in Kent and contributed to fostering a culture of excellence within the sector.

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